Dog Breathing Heavy: Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast?

Do you want to know “Why is my dog breathing heavy” or “Why is my dog breathing fast”?

There are so many things that you have to look for in your dog.

In this blog, I’ve covered the top 10 reasons for a dog breathing fast, how you check with your dog, etc.

Normal Breathing In Dogs

Normal breathing in dogs, also called eupnea, is a smooth & regular pattern of breathing.

  • Resting Rate: Healthy adult dogs normally breathe 10 to 35 times per minute when resting.
  • Puppy Respiratory Rate: They might breathe a little faster.

Dog Breathing Heavy: Top 10 Reasons

Dog Breathing Heavy

Heavy dog breathing can happen for many reasons, from normal reactions to serious health issues. Here are ten common causes.

  1. Heat & Exercise: Dogs pant to cool down after exercise or when it’s hot.
  1. Stress or Anxiety: Stressful situations can make dogs breathe faster.
  1. Pain: Pain can cause heavy breathing as a response to discomfort.
  1. Heart Problems: Conditions like heart failure can cause heavy breathing.
  1. Respiratory Infections: Infections like kennel cough or pneumonia can cause labored breathing.
  1. Allergic Reactions: Allergies can inflame the airways, making breathing harder.
  1. Obesity: Extra weight can strain a dog’s breathing system.
  1. Laryngeal Paralysis: A condition where the voice box muscles don’t open properly, making breathing hard.
  1. Cushing’s Disease: A hormonal disorder that can increase panting & breathing effort.
  1. Toxins: Breathing in or ingesting toxic substances can cause breathing problems.

How To Check If Your Dog Heavy Breathing While Sleeping?

Dog Breathing Heavy

To check if your dog has heavy breathing while sleeping, you can follow these simple steps.

  • Observe the Chest: You can watch your puppy’s chest rise & fall when they’re sleeping. You can count each rise & fall as one breath.
  • Count the Breaths: Use a timer to count the number of breaths your puppy takes in 60 seconds. For a quicker count, count for 30 seconds & then double the number.
  • Normal Breathing Rates: Puppies usually breathe 15 to 40 times per minute when resting. If your dog breathing hard then this may show rapid breathing.
  • Check for Patterns: Notice if the fast breathing happens all the time or just occasionally. Sometimes, rapid breathing can happen during dreams or different sleep stages.
  • Look for Other Signs: You can check some other signs like open mouth breathing, noisy breathing or wheezing & unusual movements, or restlessness. Think about the reasons to get a dog so you can understand their behavior better.
  • Check the Environment: Make sure the sleeping area is comfortable, cool & free from anything that might stress your puppy. You may also want to block window view for dogs if they get excited by things happening outside.
  • Record & Compare: You can also write down your observations & compare the breathing rates at different times. This can help you notice any patterns or ongoing issues.
  • Consult a Veterinarian: If your puppy’s breathing rate is consistently high or if you see other symptoms like coughing or lethargy, you should contact your vet for advice. It might also be helpful to understand what does curb your dog means as part of general dog care.

What To Do If Your Dog Breathing Fast?

If your dog is breathing quickly, it might be in trouble or have a health issue. Here’s what you can do in this critical situation.

  • Stay calm & check for other problems: You can check some signs like heavy panting, restlessness, coughing, or wheezing. Check if anything is blocking its airway or any visible injuries. This situation could be similar to why does my dog suck on blankets, which might indicate stress or anxiety.
  • Watch your dog’s breathing: You should count how many times your dog breathes in a minute. Normally, dogs breathe 10-30 times per minute. More than this might be a problem.
  • Call your vet: If you’re worried about your dog’s fast breathing, contact your vet or an emergency animal clinic for advice. They can help figure out what’s wrong & what to do next.
  • Create a calm environment: You can keep your dog in a quiet & comfortable place to reduce stress & help with its breathing.
  • Don’t try to treat it yourself: You shouldn’t give any medicine or treatments to your dog without talking to your vet first.
  • Get urgent care if needed: If your dog also has pale or blue gums, weakness, or collapses, get emergency vet help right away. Because this could be a serious problem.

Prevention Tips To Stop Dog Breathing Fast

Dog Breathing Heavy

Here are some tips to help manage your dog’s breathing and overall health.

  • Keep Your Dog at a Healthy Weight: Extra weight can put stress on their breathing. So, keep your dog’s weight at a normal level.
  • Provide Regular Exercise: You can provide regular exercise to your dog which helps keep their respiratory system in good shape & reduces the chance of rapid breathing. Best Dog Breeds In India need specific types of exercise.
  • Check Their Environment: Make sure your dog has fresh air & isn’t exposed to extreme temperatures or pollutants that could cause rapid breathing.
  • Keep Them Hydrated: You should always provide clean water to prevent dehydration, which can cause fast breathing.
  • Avoid Stressful Situations: Stress can negatively impact your dog & can make them breathe quickly. So, you can try to keep their environment calm & stress-free.
  • Schedule Regular Vet Visits: Regular check-ups can help to detect any health issues earlier that might cause fast breathing.
  • Avoid Over-Exertion: Be careful not to over-exercise your dog, especially in hot weather. Because this can cause fast breathing.
  • Provide a Comfortable Sleeping Area: Ensure your dog has a comfortable & well-ventilated place to sleep to help prevent fast breathing during rest.
  • Avoid Smoking Around Your Dog: Smoke can harm their respiratory system & can increase fast breathing. So, you should avoid smoking near your dog.
  • Get Vet Advice: If your dog is breathing rapidly for no clear reason, you can consult your vet to find out what might be causing it & how to treat it.


In conclusion, there are so many reasons for your dog breathing heavy which is because of heat, pain, anxiety, heart problems, respiratory infections, obesity, allergic reactions, etc.

However, you can check your puppy’s fast breathing by their chest, breath counts, normal breathing rates, etc.

If you see a puppy breathing fast symptoms, you can contact your vet.

Some prevention tips to stop a dog from breathing fast are keeping your dog at a healthy weight, giving exercise, keeping hydrated, etc.


Why is my dog breathing so fast when resting?

Your dog may breathe fast while resting because of stress, fever, pain, heart issues, or respiratory problems.

When should I worry about rapid breathing in my dog?

You should be worried for your dog if the rapid breathing is constant with some other symptoms, or seems abnormal.

Why is my puppy breathing fast but not panting?

Your puppy may breathe fast due to excitement, stress, fever, or a health issue. If concerned, you can consult a vet.

How do I calm my dog’s breathing?

To calm your dog’s breathing, you can ensure they are in a cool & quiet environment. You can give them water & gently comfort them.

Do dogs breathe fast when in pain?

Yes, dogs may breathe fast when in pain & show signs of distress.

How to slow down dog panting?

To slow down your dog’s panting, ensure they are cool, calm, hydrated & comfortable.

How long is it OK for my dog to pant?

It’s normal for your pet to pant a little bit. But if they pant a lot or for more than 10 minutes, it might be a problem. In that case, you can check with a vet.

Why is my dog panting when it’s not hot?

Your dog might pant because they’re anxious, excited, in pain, sick, or just cooling down after exercise. If you’re worried, you can talk to a vet.

Why is my puppy breathing fast while sleeping?

Fast breathing while sleeping is common in puppies, often because of REM sleep or excitement. If it happens a lot or comes with other symptoms, ask a vet for advice.

Why is my puppy breathing so fast while sleeping?

Puppies often breathe fast while sleeping because of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. If it only happens now and then and they seem healthy otherwise, it’s usually normal. If it happens a lot or you’re worried, see a vet.

Why is my dog breathing fast but not panting while sleeping?

It’s normal for dogs, especially puppies, to breathe quickly while they’re sleeping. This can be due to dreaming or deep sleep. If you’re worried, check with a vet.

Is it normal for puppies to breathe fast?

Yes, fast breathing can be normal in puppies, especially when excited or sleeping.

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