Tibetan Mastiff Price in India 2024: Tips to Buy

Want to have a Tibetan Mastiff in your home?

Congratulations in advance!

But, before that you should know the Tibetan Mastiff Price in India,

factors that affect their price, additional costs that you have to bear & some tips to buy in India which I covered in this blog.

Tibetan Mastiff Price in India: Famous Cities Price

The Tibetan Mastiff Price in India is between ₹2 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs depending on factors like age, location, color, etc.

You have to pay a much higher price because the Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the most expensive dog breeds in India.

CityEstimated Price Range
Delhi₹2,00,000 – ₹8,00,000
Mumbai₹2,50,000 – ₹10,00,000
Bengaluru₹2,00,000 – ₹7,00,000
Chennai₹1,80,000 – ₹6,00,000
Kolkata₹1,50,000 – ₹5,00,000
Hyderabad₹1,80,000 – ₹6,50,000
Pune₹2,00,000 – ₹7,00,000
Ahmedabad₹1,50,000 – ₹5,50,000
Jaipur₹1,80,000 – ₹6,00,000
Lucknow₹1,50,000 – ₹5,00,000

Factors Affecting Tibetan Mastiff Puppy Price in India

Tibetan Mastiff Price in India

Many factors affect the price of Tibetan Mastiff in India, like their type, age, gender, location, etc.

  • Type: You can buy or adopt Tibetan Mastiffs from three categories. The first one is Basic, which are non-registered dogs & more affordable. Then, KCI Registered Dogs that have the registration papers. The last one is Show Quality, which is top-quality dogs suitable for dog shows & breeding.

  • Physical Attributes & Characteristics: The Tibetan Mastiff puppy price in India can also vary based on their coat color, size & many more. Similarly, the Rottweiler Price In India can also fluctuate based on these factors.
  • Age & Gender: Small puppies are usually more expensive than older dogs. Additionally, males & females may have different price ranges.
  • Pure or Mix Breed: For Purebred Tibetan Mastiffs, you have to pay higher prices due to their lineage & authenticity. This is comparable to the cost of breeds like the Alabai Dog Price In India.
  • Availability & Location: Prices can vary based on where you purchase the dog. Metropolitan cities may have higher prices due to higher purchasing power.
  • Reputed Breeder: Buying from a reputable breeder ensures that you get a pure & healthy breed, but for this, you have to premium prices. This principle also applies to breeds such as the Pomeranian Dog Price in India.
  • Miscellaneous Factors: Some other factors affect their price like demand, supply & the breeder’s reputation.

Additional Costs to Consider

Tibetan Mastiff Price in India

If you’re looking for a Tibetan Mastiff for sale or buy, there are some additional costs that you have to bear that I have mentioned below.

  • Vaccinations & Health Checkups: Regular vaccinations & health checkups are crucial for your dog’s well-being. So, you have to bear these costs.
  • Grooming & Maintenance: Tibetan Mastiffs have thick & long fur that needs regular grooming. So, keep in mind that you have to spend on brushes, shampoos & professional grooming services.
  • Training & Socialization: Proper training & socialization are essential for your dog’s mental health. So, you have to spend on training classes.
  • Pet Insurance: To cover unexpected medical expenses, you can have pet insurance for your dog.
  • Quality Food: High-quality dog food is essential for their health. Add these expenses to their monthly budget.
  • Toys & Accessories: Tibetan Mastiffs are intelligent dogs & they need mental stimulation. So, you have to invest in toys, chew bones & other accessories.
  • Travel & Boarding: If you travel frequently, you have to consider boarding costs or pet-sitting services.

Tips to Buy Tibetan Mastiff in India

Tibetan Mastiff Price in India

If you want to buy or adopt a Tibetan Mastiff, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

  • Space Requirements: These dogs are huge & need enough space to live comfortably in homes. So, make sure you have enough space for them.
  • Long Maturation Period: Tibetan Mastiffs have a long maturation period. So, be prepared for their slow development before getting them.
  • Training: Proper training is essential. They will follow your orders & behave nicely if you give them the best training.
  • Feeding: You have to give them a balanced diet that is suitable for a large breed. You can also consult with a veterinarian to know the best nutrition for your Mastiff.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming is necessary to maintain their thick coat. That’s why you have to brush them frequently to prevent matting & keep their fur healthy.

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In conclusion, The Tibetan Mastiff Price in India is between ₹2 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs depending on factors like age, location, color, etc.

There are some additional costs that you have to bear like vaccinations, grooming, training, pet insurance, dog food, etc.


Tibetan Mastiff price Delhi?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Delhi is between ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000 depending on quality and breed.

Red Tibetan Mastiff price in India?

The Red Tibetan Mastiff price in India is between ₹1,00,000 to ₹3,00,000 depending on the breeder and quality.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Bangalore?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Bangalore is between ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000 depending on breed quality.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Hyderabad?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Hyderabad is between ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on the quality and breeder.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Dehradun?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Dehradun is between ₹50,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on quality and breeder.

Lion Tibetan Mastiff price in India?

The Lion Tibetan Mastiff price in India is between ₹1,50,000 to ₹4,00,000, depending on the breeder and quality.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Kolkata?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Kolkata is between ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on the quality and breeder.

Is Tibetan Mastiff legal in India?

Yes, Tibetan Mastiffs are legal in India, but you may need to follow local pet regulations.

Can Tibetan Mastiffs survive in India?

Yes, Tibetan Mastiffs can survive in India, but they need proper care, including shade, water, and a cool environment to handle the heat.

Black Tibetan Mastiff price in India?

The Black Tibetan Mastiff price in India is between ₹1,00,000 to ₹3,00,000, depending on quality and breeder.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Dehradun?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Dehradun is between ₹50,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on quality and breeder.

Tibetan Mastiff price in Hyderabad?

Tibetan Mastiff price in Hyderabad is between ₹60,000 to ₹1,50,000, depending on quality and breeder.

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