Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets? Know This Common Behavior

Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets: There’s a term called “dog cobbing” which is used to mention the behavior of a dog.

It’s very similar to your question “Why do dogs suck on blankets”. So, let me help you to find this answer.

Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets?

Dogs might suck on blankets for many reasons like comfort, security, teething, boredom & anxiety.

  • Comfort & Security: Just like a child, some dogs feel safe & calm when sucking on soft things like blankets. This behavior is also referred to as “dog cobbing.”
  • Teething: Puppies might suck on your blankets to ease the discomfort of teething.
  • Boredom or Anxiety: Sucking on blankets can help dogs deal with boredom or anxiety by soothing themselves.
  • Habit: If a dog started this behavior when it was young, it might just be a habit they keep as they grow up. The “dog cobbing” is a natural behavior.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Sometimes, dogs might suck on blankets due to missing nutrients in their diet. If this is a new behavior, it’s a good idea to check with your vet.

Is Blanket Sucking Harmful?

Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets?

Generally, blanket sucking isn’t harmful to dogs, but here are a few things to look for.

  • Wear & Tear: Constant sucking can damage the blanket. If your dog swallows pieces of it, it might cause digestive problems or blockages.
  • Hygiene: Blankets can get dirty & collect bacteria. If your dog is always sucking on the blanket, keep it clean to avoid health issues.
  • Behavioral Issues: If the sucking is due to anxiety or stress, it’s important to address those feelings. Long stress can cause other health problems.
  • Teeth & Gums: Puppies or dogs still teething might suck on blankets to soothe their gums. If the behavior is excessive or damaging their teeth, it should be monitored.

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How To Stop Your Dog From Sucking Blankets?

Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets?

If you want to stop your dog from sucking on blankets, here are some tips.

  • Provide Alternatives: Give your dog other things to chew or suck on, like chew toys or special comfort objects. This can help shift their focus from the blanket.
  • Increase Exercise & Mental Stimulation: Ensure your dog gets enough physical activity & mental stimulation. A tired dog is less likely to engage in repetitive behaviors like sucking on blankets.
  • Training & Redirection: If you see your dog sucks on blanket, gently redirect them to a toy or another activity. You can reward them with treats or praise when they focus on the right items.
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety: If the behavior seems related to anxiety, try to make your dog’s environment more relaxing. You can provide a cozy space & consider using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or anxiety wraps.
  • Set a Routine: A consistent daily schedule for feeding, exercise & play can help reduce anxiety & repetitive behaviors.
  • Consult a Veterinarian or Behaviorist: If the problem continues or gets worse, you can talk to your vet. They can help find the cause & create a plan to solve this behavior.

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In conclusion, blanket sucking (dog cobbing) can be due to comfort, teething, boredom, or anxiety.

While it’s usually not harmful, keep an eye out for problems like blanket damage or hygiene issues.

To address the behavior, offer alternatives, increase exercise & work on reducing stress.

If the behavior continues, you can consult a vet to check for any health concerns.


Why do dogs suck on blankets?

Dogs might suck on blankets for comfort, to calm themselves, or because it’s a habit from when they were puppies. It can also be a sign of anxiety or a need for reassurance.

Why does my dog knead and bite blanket?

Your dog might knead and bite blankets for comfort, relaxation, or because it’s an instinct from puppyhood. It can also be a way for them to mark their territory or relieve anxiety.

What to do if a dog eats a blanket?

Contact your vet right away. You can watch some signs like discomfort or blockage, and make sure your dog doesn’t eat non-food items in the future.

Why do dogs teeth on blankets?

Dogs might chew on blankets because they’re bored, anxious, teething, or for comfort. It can also be a way for them to soothe themselves.

Is it okay for dogs to eat blankets?

No, it’s not okay. Eating blankets can cause digestive problems or blockages. If your dog does this often, consult a vet.

Why do dogs nibble on blankets when excited?

Dogs nibble on blankets when they’re excited as a comforting, instinctive behavior. It’s often linked to playfulness, exploration, or relieving anxiety.

Why do dogs chew on blankets and pillows?

Dogs chew on blankets and pillows for comfort, to pass the time, or because of teething, instinct, or anxiety.

Why do dog chews on blankets at night?

Dogs chew on blankets at night for comfort, to relieve anxiety, or out of boredom. It mimics natural behaviors like chewing and nesting.

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