Are Tuna Fish Carnivores?

Are Tuna Fish Carnivores?

Yes, tuna fish are carnivores. They are the top predators in the ocean & mainly eat fish, squid, crabs & other small sea creatures. This diet helps them to get big and stay active.  Although tuna usually eat meat, sometimes they also eat plankton, algae & scraps. However, they don’t eat a lot of these … Read more

Are Tuna Fish Going Extinct?

Are Tuna Fish Going Extinct?

No, not all types of tuna are going to be extinct. Some tuna populations are increasing again because people are working to protect them. In 2021, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) said that four out of seven tuna species that are caught by fishermen as food are starting to increase in numbers … Read more

State Fish Of Uttarakhand

State Fish Of Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand is famous for its beautiful nature & spiritual places. Badrinath, Kedarnath & Haridwar are popular locations to explore. But, did you know “Which is the State Fish Of Uttarakhand”? If NO, Let’s find it. Which Is The State Fish Of Uttarakhand? The state fish of Uttarakhand name is the Golden Mahseer. It was declared … Read more

Top 10 Smallest Fish In The World

Smallest Fish In The World

Three months back, I also had the curiosity to know “Which is the Smallest Fish In The World?” And guess what – there’s is not a single “Blog” that can solve my curiosity. But, don’t worry – In this blog, I’ve included the top 10 smallest fish in the world. List Of The Top 10 … Read more

What is Rohu Fish Called in the USA?

What is Rohu Fish Called in the USA

As of now, there is no such name for Rohu fish that can be called in the USA. Let me tell you about this interesting fish story from my time in the USA! I’m searching for “Rohu Fish” in the supermarket but can’t find it. Because they do have not such a name, especially for … Read more

State Fish of Sikkim

state fish of sikkim

We all eat fish in everyday life and enjoy it so much. But, as an Indian citizen, you should know the state fish of Sikkim.  The “Katley” fish is the state fish of Sikkim which is also called the “Copper Mahseer”. In 2021, the Sikkim Government declared “Katley” as the official state fish. They did … Read more

Do Betta Fish Need a Filter? Find Out

do betta fish need a filter

Have you ever thought:  Let’s find out! Do Betta Fish Need a Filter? Yes, betta fish need a filter to survive in a tank. Few reasons: 1. Keeping the water clean: Filters remove waste and leftover food from the water. This stops harmful stuff like ammonia and nitrites from building up, which can hurt the … Read more

Telangana State Fish

telangana state fish

Do you want to know: If yes, then continue to read! SHORT ANSWER: The official fish of Telangana State is the Murrel. Which is the Telangana State Fish? The state fish of Telangana is called the Murrel, also known as Korrameenu or Korramatta in Telugu. It was chosen as the official state fish in 2016 … Read more